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We offer a range of programmes at All Lives Are Precious covering topics from suicide to online safety. We believe that education is the cornerstone to better mental and emotional wellbeing and health. Choose from one of our courses below to find out more. 

QPR Training

QPR stands for Question, Persuade, and Refer — the 3 simple steps anyone can learn to help save a life from suicide. Just as people trained in CPR can help save thousands of lives each year, people trained in QPR learn how to recognise the warning signs of a suicide crisis and how to question, persuade, and refer someone to help. 

Smiling Teacher

Skills for Safer Living

The Skills for Safer Living program is a combination of a twenty week skills based group and a peer support group for individuals with recurring thoughts and behaviour’s about suicide. it provides group participants the opportunity to develop specific strategies and skills to identify, interrupt and to change their behaviour about suicide .

The STEPS Programme

The STEPS Programme was created in response to the demand for practical educational material, to assist an ever-increasing number of people who are trying to change their situation, personally, professionally or organisationally.

Wooden Steps
Students During Break


PX2 is based on the same principles of Steps suitable for young people (14 -18yrs).  This programme helps young people see that they have choices, that they can take more control of their lives and that they can develop the thinking skills they need to become self-motivated, lifelong learners

Parenting & the Internet

The overall aim of this workshop is support parental involvement in their child’s online life. Help to keep your children safe from bullying, predators and other dangerous content that they may encounter on the internet. 

A Boy and His Tablet Device

Restorative Practise 

This process provides a framework and a set of skills for working with people of all ages in an inclusive, fair and empowering way which enables communities and organisations to build effective, strong lasting relationships internally and externally.

Phone:  +44 2844 898216 

Mobile: +44 7731928058



All Lives Are Precious Ltd

Irish Street Community Exchange

Irish Street Car Park 


BT30 6BW

All Lives Are Precious 

26 Main street


Co Antrim 

BT44 8AB



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